Thursday 20 November 2014

Wow, Now That's Cold!

So winter hasn't officially arrived but boy did we have winter weather this week. Thank you for dressing your child so warmly, they love being outside in the snow. They are all learning to dress themselves and doing a great job of it. Sending in an extra pair of mittens and socks is a great idea. We try our best to dry the mittens and hats on the vents in the room, but sometimes those mittens are just too wet.

The General Amherst Concert band visited the school on Thursday morning and we were so inspired by the music that some boys decided to make a little band and they had fun showing off their dance moves.

We continue to explore 2D and 3D Shapes.
"I used 9 circles on my snowman."

We read the book, The Gruffalo, by Julia Donaldson and we watched the movie based on the book and then we compared the two using a Venn diagram. Some of our friends also made some great artwork based on the book and movie.

We still love building with Lego and blocks.

Here are some healthy plates we made at school.

As we continue to discuss healthy eating this month we made bread and butter. Our first batch of bread didn't turn out so we just tried again the next day and it was delicious. We are really turning into quite the chefs around here.

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