Thursday 30 March 2017

Rain, Rain Go Away!

It's a rainy day but I guess we should consider ourselves lucky we haven't had a lot of indoor recesses this year. This week we made wind chimes and butterflies. We created a beautiful flower garden for our room. We have our new Malden Vet Pet centre and we are practising taking care of our animal friends. We are coming to the end of our second round of Mystery Friend and we have enjoyed all the special treasures our friends brought in. (We finally got the blog posted before March Break to publish! Make sure you have a look at it.)

Have a Great Break!

We hope everyone has a wonderful and relaxing break. Our students certainly enjoyed all our special dress up days this week. We are happy to report that none of Kindergarten friends were blown away on Wednesday! Here's a look at some of the things that went on this week in Kindergarten.