Thursday, 26 April 2018

Everything is Growing!

Not only did our bean plants grow, our students are growing each and everyday. We mean this figuratively and literally. We are measuring our heights for the second time this year and most of us are taller! Our brains are also growing, the students come up with the question of the day and write it on the whiteboard with only a little help from teachers! So many of our JKs are volunteering to write words or count and tally names, we are thrilled!

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Planting Season

It's planting season in Early Years! We replanted the bean seeds that we started in a plastic bag with water and a paper towel, into soil. We hope they get replanted at home. We're almost finished with our Eetchie presentations and some of our friends are enjoying playing eetchie during play time. It was nice to see the sun this week and we played outside!