Friday, 25 November 2016

Baby It's Cold Outside

With the arrival of the cold weather comes hats, mittens, boots and lots of extra sweaters. We are asking you to please help us, help your child. Lots of times mittens, hats and even coats end up on the floor and not in the cubby. Add to that, many of our friends have the same mittens, hats or boots and it can get very confusing to return or help find your child's lost clothing items. So please, please label your child's boots, hats, mittens and coats. Besides doing up zippers, and putting on boots we have been busy playing with chocolate play dough, it smells so good! And we love to write sentences to share our creations with our friends.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Moving Right Along

Wow, it's the middle of November already! You would never know it judging by the weather. We sure are enjoying it! We've started sharing all the wonderful things we do each day with each other. If you want to share and you are in SK you must write a simple sentence, if you are a JK you need to sign your name. This has really increased how much the students are writing each day and it gives them a great opportunity to speak in front of their classmates. Next week is anti-bullying week. So wear your pink on Monday to show your support for being kind to each other.