Friday, 31 October 2014

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone. We all looked wonderful in our orange and black. Thank you for all the treats that you sent in. As you can see we had lots of delicious things to eat and share.

We are always busy playing and learning in the Early Years room.

We had some Grade Six girls come into our classroom this week and make special Halloween crafts with the students.

Everyday we ask the students to answer a survey question by signing their names on our white board.
Emerson decided to create his own question of the day this week.

We are learning about shapes at school. We went on a shape hunt down the hallway and we are playing shape games during our math time.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Exploring Fall in Early Years

Next Friday is October 31st or Halloween. Your child can wear black and orange on that day and they can bring a treat to share with their friends. There are 37 friends in our class.

You may have noticed your little one reciting the poem, "Five Little Pumpkins" this week. We 've also been dramatizing the poem and drawing pumpkins on a gate.

We have been doing lots of interesting things in math this week. We've made patterns, measured pumpkins and gourds, practice matching numbers with concrete objects and adding.

This week we have been focusing on the letter "W". There are some great websites and apps out there for your child if they want to practice letter sounds and names. Try for some good activities. We love using this one on our smartboard.

We've been creating some wonderful art with black and orange.

Having fun in our sensory bin, with green water and bats and corn. Thanks to the Smiths for donating the corn.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Pumpkin Crazy!

We had a great time at Thiessen's Orchard on Thursday, where we went pumpkin picking. Thanks so much to all the Moms, Dads, grandparents and aunts who came with us to share in this exciting day. As always the behaviour of our students was exemplary. The staff at Thiessen's was very impressed with the way the students listened and followed the rules. Way to go Early Years.
We learned how pumpkins grow, picked our pumpkins and had a super time on the playground, in the corn maze and in the hayloft.

Exploring the inside of a pumpkin.

We have become really interested in mask making this week. Look at some of our beautiful creations.