Thursday, 25 September 2014

Life In Early Years

There are many exciting things coming up for our school and especially the Early Years classes. Check note totes carefully for important notices and permission forms.

Coming Soon:
September 30th - Meet the Teacher BBQ and Social 5 to 6:30 pm.

October 9th - Walking field trip to Malden Fire Station.

Octobet16th - Field trip to Thiessen's in Leamington to pick pumpkins.

What's been happening this week........

We are making a SCARECROW that will be displayed on Saturday, October 4th, 11am to 6 pm, during Pumpkinville at Bright Child Montessori. If you get a chance go for a visit and check out our scarecrow, which is currently under construction.

We love playing outside with our new trikes and basketball nets.

Mrs. Charron made some new play dough for us and we got to help.

Red, blue and yellow are primary colours and we have been experimenting to see what happens when we mix them together. We get secondary colours, orange, green and purple!

We are learning about patterns and we have been making patterns with many different materials and manipulatives.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Life in Early Years - Week Two

As we stated earlier this week in a notice we sent home, we have had a great second week. And boy have we been busy. We added a rice table for exploration, students can practice their printing skills on our big white boards, our computers are slowly being added to the classroom and we made banana muffins!

Have a look to see all the learning taking place in our room!


The house centre.

Building with blocks.

Painting and Crafts!


Making banana muffins.

The rice table.

Building and flying an airplane.

Reading "Brown Bear, Brown Bear"

Cars, trains and Lego!

Friday, 12 September 2014

Elephants Have Wrinkles!

We love to sing. Have you heard your little one singing about elephants who have wrinkles, or saying hello to your neighbour? Here are they are in action!

Welcome to Early Years 2014/2015

Our Early Years classes are off to a great start. We have had a wonderful week making new friends, playing with lots of brand new toys, learning routines and getting to know our teachers! We encourage you to visit this blog at least once a week and check out the new and exciting things that are happening in our classroom. Look for a blog name change soon. While this is called Mrs. Rosati's blog, it includes children from Mrs. Silver's class as well.  

Mrs. Silver, Mrs. Charron and Mrs. Rosati are so pleased with the children and how quickly they are adapting to life in the Early Years room at Malden. Just a reminder that we are already getting quite a collection of snack containers and are inadvertently left on tables. Please label everything and you will always have it returned. Thanks for your help.

We love playing with tractors.

Having a snack.

Reading with our grade 6 buddies.

Writing in our journals.

Playing at the duplo table.

Investigating at the science table.


Taking pictures.

Playing with cars!